
Account Type


CFD Trading with Oceax

Minimum deposit $10 $500 $10,000
Minimum trading volume 0.01 0.01 0.01
Swap free account Yes Yes Yes
Commission 1.8 pips 1.1 pips 0.1 pips
Leverage 1.8 pips 1.1 pips 0.1 pips
Account currency types 1.8 pips 1.1 pips 0.1 pips

Please be aware that the prices listed above represent the minimum spreads. Actual prices may vary depending on your country of residence. For a detailed overview of exact pricing, please check the trade tickets on the platform.

Our Story So Far

Built a Top-Notch Platform

We’ve developed a powerful and easy-to-use trading platform to make your trading experience smooth and effective.

How do I start trading forex?
To start trading, open an account with us, fund your account, and use our platform to buy and sell currency pairs.
What are currency pairs?
Currency pairs are combinations of two currencies, like EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar). You trade one currency for another, hoping to profit from changes in their values.
What is leverage in forex trading?
Leverage allows you to control a large position with a smaller amount of money. It can increase your potential profits but also your risk of losses.
Can I trade forex with just a smartphone?
Yes, Oceax offers mobile trading that lets you trade forex directly from your smartphone, allowing you to manage your trades on the go.